
personal work

a small selection of stuff i do for fun in my free time

a pin-up style illustration of a slim, pale man with shoulder length black hair
a full-body illustration of a fat blonde woman looking happy
not my character character owner
a black, white, and red illustration of two men.
a digital painting of a tree
a painted portrait of a woman with black hair, brown skin, and sand dollar earring smiling at the viewer
not my character character owner
a pin-up illustration of a pale, slim man reading. the book covers his face
a black and white portrait of a man with shoulder length hair, the whole thing done in straight lines and sharp angles
a black, white, blue, and red illustration of a man looking over his shoulder. text reads: there is no beauty in violence, except the violence of self-creation. the man has many scars, most red but his top surgery scars blue, as are the words self-creation